Assumption that we know how many clusters there are as a prior ( in K-Means). Designed for vector quantization: replacing examples with the mean of their cluster (collapsing a bunch of examples of a class down to a single example)

Can also be seen as a really bad latent-factor model

K-means partitions the space into convex regions, but clusters in the data might not be convex


  1. Pick some
  2. Assign a cluster to different points randomly
  3. Iterate
    1. Center update β†’ calculate average for each cluster (using euclidian distance)
    2. Label update β†’ re-assign the data to the closest cluster center
    3. If no labels changed, finish (model has converged)

Warning: the clustering is initialization dependent and converges to a local minimum. Often requires some amount of random runs to approximate a good solution, pick best one.

Limited to compact/spherical clusters in high-dimensions (which is poor for modeling clusters with the same mean but different distributions)


  • easy to implement and interpret
  • simple to understand
  • computationally more efficient than other clustering algorithms


  • need to specify K
  • dependent on initialization
  • sensitive to scale of features (need to normalize/standardize)


  • Dominated by calculating distance from each to each mean

K-means, unlike the classification and regression models we studied in previous chapters, can get β€œstuck” in a bad solution. For example, if we were unlucky and initialized K-means with the following labels. To solve this problem when clustering data using K-means, we should randomly re-initialize the labels a few times, run K-means for each initialization, and pick the clustering that has the lowest final total WSSD.