In contrast to client-server models, peer-to-peer systems are decentralized networks with no privileged nodes. Each node performs the same roles as any other.

A philosophically pluralistic way of computing that recognizes there isn’t only one correct primary site (see: A Certain Tendency Of The Database Community).

Examples include BitTorrent, blockchains, Rhizome



  • Limitations of Operation logs
    • ”
 scenarios where somebody is following a lot of users with a lot of history in SSB and needing to wait for all the logs to be processed, or when a new database replica is added and needs to fetch all the existing state (whether it’s a regular DB or a blockchain full node).”
    • “One way to get around needing to ‘catch up’ with a writer is to get ‘snapshots’ of the current state of the data from trusted peers”
      • However, the naive approach does not work in peer-to-peer situations as we can’t verify the legitimacy of the whole snapshot
      • Can we utilize ZK proofs here?
    • Overall, unsolved. All of this together leads to either a centralization of power in long-lived nodes that do the replication for you due to preferential attachment
  • Actual databases use indices
    • “For example, instead of an application getting a list of every single post in a database and filtering based on the ‘tags’, they can say Get me the first 32 posts with the tag #cats and the database engine will figure out how to do that for them.”
    • This can heavily optimize reads for client applications
  • Mauve suggests that we can actually solve these using Prolly Trees



  1. We should improve and preserve the Web. The Web is a genuine social accomplishment and we should look after it. Don’t let lesser platforms win out.
  2. Devops is oppressive! Many people can’t publish websites or apps because they can’t run servers. Publishing should be accessible to all.
  3. “View source” is critical to an open Web. The more code that users can read, the more code they can review and learn from.
  4. “Modify source” is the p2p Web’s great power. A Web that can be made and remade by its people can better serve their needs and produce a more diverse & exciting world. The Web should be a truly “live” society.
  5. Minimize change, maximize impact. The p2p Web should still be the Web. Make it better, don’t remake it.
  6. Don’t forget resilience. A web based on protocols, not platforms, is a safe web. Don’t put data in silos but have various platforms use the same protocols to interact.